Judaism is one of the Abrahamic faiths along with Christianity and Muslim. Jewish people believe in the Torah which is said to be the words of God along with the laws that God wants them to live by.  

Graphic representing the 3 main denominations of Judaism- Information from URI

The ten commandments/laws in Judaism are: 

  1. Worship no other God but Me. 
  1. Do not make images to worship. 
  1. Do not misuse the name of God. 
  1. Observe the Sabbath Day (Saturday). Keep it Holy. 
  1. Honor and respect your father and mother. 
  1. Do not murder. 
  1. Do not commit adultery. 
  1. Do not steal. 
  1. Do not accuse anyone falsely. Do not tell lies about other people. 
  1. Do not envy other’s possessions. 

List comes from https://www.uri.org/kids/world-religions/jewish-belief In Judaism there are many different holidays and similar to Muslim, Judaism follows a lunar calendar, so their holidays do not fall on the same day every year aside from Sabbat which is every Saturday from sun set on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Other holidays include:

Rosh Hashanah- Jewish new year

Photo of someone reading the Torrah on a scroll from Pexels by cottonbro studio https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-reading-a-scroll-5986495/

Yom Kippur- Day of Fast which is after Rosh Hashanah, is a day to atone to God Sukkot- a 7-day holiday which involves building a temporary structure to celebrate the time the Israelites spent wondering.

Hanukkah- 8 days of light, which involves a menorah, gifts are exchanged during this time too.

Purim- Celebrating Esther who saved the Jewish people from being killed in Persia, it is common to read the book of Esther and make charitable contributions.

Passover- 7- or 8-day long holiday commemorating the Jewish people leaving Egypt, involves lots of cleaning before the holiday and Jewish people do not consume livening agents.

Shavuot- celebrates when Moses was told the laws by God, some denominations also celebrate the destruction of the first and second temples. 

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