Photo from Pexels by Tara Winstead
“What are some of the issues around the responsible use of GenAI in education including the environment, property rights, and learning-related issues.”
With generative AI there are many issues especially with AI making things up. AI can make up sources or people such as what had happened to a teacher last year who tried to use AI to find articles for our class to do projects on, turns out the AI had fully made up all the articles which our teacher had learned when they went to find the articles for us.
AI taking raw data- as a creative, especially with image or artwork generative AI are trained off already existing works and sometimes especially with drawings, many times the artist are not aware that their work is being used to train these types of AI. Some companies are trying to use AI to replace artists in general. These types of AI are being used to take away jobs or could be used by students to fake their art class projects.
AI is filled with biases since it is being trained off human work which is full of bias. AI is filled with untrue assumptions and biases such as in the video that we watched in class which showed how few women AI thought were judges or how many non-white people were put as Fastfood workers. (Here is the video that we watched in class about AI biases) (video could not be embedded and Would not work as a video)
Generative AI seems to see things in a very black and white type thinking, when messing around with Perplexity when asked the question “for a grade 4 class generate me a 1 hour lesson plan about different paint types” there were answers which very black and white like saying that watercolour is good for delicate work which is not fully correct since art is so fluid so there isn’t really that type of rule for art mediums. The answer did not take into account that watercolour being very fluid which could be a challenge for delicate work and is not always very persise. In the objective provided also uses the term “appropriate uses in art” which for paints is very fluid and should boiled down more to respect the materials and classmate and not ingesting the materials.
AI can be amazing though especially as a teacher such as Magicschool where there are many tools for teachers including teacher jokes which can be great giving teachers who are not great with humour a chance to still make their students laugh. Along with tools to help with behaviour plans or IEPs though again it would be a quick base and edit the rest yourself but it can be a great jumping off point I’m sure. I really enjoy the feature of creating jokes since that is not a skill I have developed myself yet.