Christianity is one of the most well known religions in Canada and the USA. Christianity as an Abrahamic religion has been the religion that a majority of people have had the most exposure to even if they do not identify as being Christian.
It is important that I note that there are many denominations of Christianity, different denominations have different beliefs since different denominations may stress different parts, along with in general having different rules they follow. Many groups which are labeled as Christian based faiths follow many of the same principles though there are a few which do not follow some of these principles.
–God- there are many points about God including that: he is everywhere, he is all knowing, he is just, he is love, he is truth, and he is the creator of everything. This list here is not exhaustive.
– The trinity- God the father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy spirit.
-Jesus Christ- There are again many points about Jesus Christ including: he is God, His mother was the Virgin Mary, and he is perfect and sinless.
-The holy spirit
-The Bible
“It is believed that Jesus died for humans even with him having been human along with the son of God. It is also believed that Jesus will return during the endtimes” (“Christianity: Basic Beliefs”).
There are many teachings listed within the Bible though many different Christians stress and follow different teachings depending on a variety of reasons, some also take the meaning of different teachings differently though the main teachings according to the article Christianity:
Basic Beliefs are as followed:
– Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.
– Love your neighbor as yourself.
-Christians also seek to follow the ten commandments God gave Moses to give the Israelites:
-Worship no other God but me. Do not make images to worship.
-Do not misuse the name of God.
-Observe the Sabbath Day (Sunday, for Christians). Keep it Holy.
-Honor and respect your father and mother.
-Do not murder.
-Do not commit adultery.
-Do not steal.
-Do not accuse anyone falsely.
-Do not tell lies about other people.
-Do not envy other’s possessions.
(“Christianity: Basic Beliefs”)
According to the article Christianity: Celebrations and Festivals there are 9 celebrations and festivals which all are based around the life of Jesus. Though according to the site Christianity, they do group the celebrations and festivals while also giving the more detail about the times of year the events take place along with which celebrations and festivals lead into another. According to Christianity (the site) the 2 major celebrations are Christmas and Easter which respectively symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ, and the day Jesus came back from the dead (“Christianity: Celebrations and Festivals”). Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and Easter does not have a consistent date each year though it is usually in the spring season in the norther hemisphere (“The Christian Calendar”).
Still using information from URI, other holidays include:
Advent which is a multi-week preparation for the birth of Jesus.
Epiphany which celebrates the 3 wise men visiting Jesus and spreading the news he had been born.
Lent the time leading up to Easter which represents the time Jesus spent in the desert and fasting.
Saints’ days which celebrate people who have been recognized as saints.
“Christianity: Celebrations and Festivals.” URI, celebrations. accessed October 1 2024.
“Christianity: Basic Beliefs.” URI, accessed October 1 2024.
“The Christian Calendar – Christianity.” Christianity, accessed October 1 2024.
Fairchild, Mary. “Get to Know the Basic Beliefs of Christianity.” Learn Religions, 8 June 2020, accessed October 1 2024.